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Cheap Castle Rock Daycare
At Treasured Little Ones Daycare, Alicia provides excellent childcare for a low price because she understands that in these economic times paying for childcare can be tough. When considering how much you are willing to pay for child care remember that out of a child care provider's income they have to pay for your child's lunch, drinks, snacks, art supplies and toys to play with. They have to buy more of a lot of things like cleaning supplies, dish washing liquid, toilet paper, Kleenex and paper towels. Also their carpets need to be professionally cleaned more often and furniture needs to be replaced sooner. Care providers also have to pay for continuing education classes, licensing fees, and extra insurance! And remember childcare is not an easy task! Providers work long hours cooking for, feeding, cleaning up after, teaching, changing diapers, potty training, entertaining, nurturing, reading to and playing with your child. At Treasured Little Ones Daycare, Alicia provides an amazing service for a low price because she has a passion for caring for children and she wants to be able to spend her life doing what she loves.